iTraq Butterfly ONE™

The Same Unmatched Tracking, Now More Affordable

If you've experienced the peace of mind that comes with iTraq Butterfly's superior tracking capabilities, get ready for its newest iteration - iTraq Butterfly ONE™. Designed with the same cutting-edge technology, Butterfly ONE offers a single-use, cost-effective alternative without sacrificing performance or reliability.

A Familiar Excellence in a New Package

Same Robust Technology

iTraq Butterfly ONE retains the state-of-the-art tracking technology you've come to trust, ensuring unparalleled precision and robustness.

Built for Single-Use

We've repackaged the Butterfly into a single-use model to offer you the same high-quality tracking experience but at a reduced cost.

Core Features

Global, Real-Time Tracking

Keep tabs on your shipments worldwide, in real-time, just like you would with the reusable Butterfly model

Airline Compliant

Rest easy knowing that Butterfly ONE meets all airline safety standards for seamless global tracking.

Smart Sensing

Despite its single-use design, Butterfly ONE comes equipped with sensors to monitor temperature, light, and motion, alerting you to any changes during shipping.

The Original iTraq Butterfly: A Reusable Alternative

If you find value in reusable tracking devices with a similar range of features, explore our original iTraq Butterfly. It offers the flexibility of multiple uses, making it a fit for various long-term tracking needs.

Why Choose Single-Use?

Butterfly ONE provides a cost-effective alternative for businesses or individuals who may not have a need for reusable tracking devices. Its single-use nature also reduces overall maintenance and operational complexities.

Ready to Make the Switch?

iTraq Butterfly ONE is the perfect solution for those who require top-notch tracking capabilities without the long-term commitment of a reusable device. Contact us today at to learn more.

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