How can I cancel my subscription?

Please note: Subscriptions are non-refundable. A pro-rated refund will not be issues if you decide to cancel subscription. 

There are three options to cancel subscription: 

- Contact our support team. 

- Using iTraq Mobile Application. 

- Using portal page. 

Contact our support team via LiveChat or send us email at To cancel subscription we require Serial number (SN) of the device.

Using iTraq Mobile Application 

Please follow steps below: 

1. Open iTraq Mobile Application

2. Tap "Details".

3. Tap "Subscription"

4. Tap "Cancel Subscription".

Access to the portal page

Please follow steps below: 

1. Open the link 

2. Enter your email address and password. Click "LOGIN".(If you registered by a Facebook account, click "Login with Facebook")

3. Click "CANCEL"

4. Click "PROCEED".

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